Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Penguins and Whales At Risk from China’s Krill Harvest

Jeff Foott/DCI

From Discovery News
Conservation groups and scientists worry that China's push to boost its harvest of krill -- a shrimp-like creature used for aquaculture feed and human supplements -- may leave Antarctica's whales, seals and penguins struggling to survive.
China is one of several nations, including Norway, Korea and Chile, harvesting krill with massive factory ships dragging miles-long trawl nets through the productive cold waters of the Southern Ocean. The krill is quickly frozen and into processed into pellets for aquaculture and livestock operations, fish bait, and high-value "nutraceuticals" such as omega-3 dietary supplements.
China's leaders say they want a seven-fold increase in krill production, according to a recent report in the state-owned China Daily newspaper.

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